5 Warning Signs That You Might Be a Crazy Cat Person

You are out with your best friend and he or she tells you that your outfit makes you look like a bum or worse, fat! This person is your best friend so you are not offended by what they just told you. Because they are your best friend, buddy, bestie, etc. you take their advice seriously.

Fast forward a couple years. You got yourself a couple of cats and now you prefer to hang out with them. Your friends are labeling you as the “Crazy Cat Lady” or “Crazy Cat Person”. You don’t see yourself as a crazy cat person. You are offended and decide that you want nothing to do with your friends anymore. Did you ever stop to considered that they may be right? Could you be turning into a crazy cat person? 5 warning signs that you might be a crazy cat person.

Warning Crazy Cat Lady Lives Here

1. You Talk to Your Cat More Often Than to Humans

We all talk to our pets once in a while, “Fluffy get off the counter!”, “Banjo stop crapping on the floor!”, “I have to go to work Pussy but I’ll be back.”, “Kojo get back here!”. Whether or not they understand us or even care who knows. If you have a pet (cat, dog, lizard, etc.) chances are they have a name and you use it. One sentence statements are fine such as “Get over here” or “Do you want a treat?”. Problems can develop if you start using multiple sentences with them. This can lead to full conversations which can lead to you spending more time in conversation with them than with humans. Although animals can not talk to us (well…) they are really good listeners. Sometimes it is difficult to find another human who will listen to us. So, we do the next best thing and we talk to our cat. There is nothing wrong with spilling your guts out to your cat about the crappy day you had at work. Just remember to balance it once in awhile with someone who can answer you back in your language.

Crazy Cat

2. You Treat Your Cat Like You Would a Child

Pets should be considered part of the family. Unless you live on a farm and they are livestock you probably consider your pet cat or dog as part of the family. After all, you feed them, take them to the vet, walk them, bathe them, let them sleep with you, etc.. If you take a animal in it becomes your responsibly to take care of it for the rest of its life. They will depend on you for everything (kind of like a child). However, there are some warning signs that this human-pet relationship is going a little too far. Signs to look out for that you might be treating your pet more like a child than a pet.

  • You give them a really long name, such as Fluffy Diamond Glitter or you give them a first, middle and last name.
  • You celebrate their birthday every year with gifts, decorations, guest, etc. You include them in all of your human holidays such as making them a special Thanksgiving dinner and buying them Christmas presents.
  • You dress them up in outfits then take them treat-or-treating and to sit on Santa’s lap.
  • You’re all about taking your cat to the kitty spa or cat retreat.
  • You don’t mind your cat sleeping with you, in fact you would not have it any other way.
  • You spend half of your vacation worrying about your kitty and if he or she is all right.
  • You feel the need to give your cat your itinerary for the day including when he or she can expect you back.
  • You (and your cat) enjoy time spent together whether it be watching TV, reading, playing games or just watching the birds.

3. You Go Without So Your Kitty Can Have Stuff

We’re not talking about basic needs here. If you have a pet you are expected to take care of its basic needs such as food, shelter, litter box, some toys, etc.. But if you’re eating mac n’ cheese for the third day straight because you spent all of your money on that gourmet cat food them you might be approaching that slippy slope that leads to you becoming a crazy cat person.

Litter Box Overload

4. The More Cats The Merrier

We all could be living with multiple animals in our households such as: cats, dogs, fish, birds, children, our spouse. Potential problems can occur if you have too many of one particular animal such as many kitty cats. Multiple fish is a given as they tend not to live very long but having more than two cats can lead to more and more. This can lead to being labeled a hoarder or a crazy cat person.

5. You Prefer to Spend Every Waking Minute With Your Cat(s)

Final sign that you might be turning into a crazy cat person is that you actually prefer to spend time with your cat over any other human. While your co-workers are going out for drinks you are going home to watch TV with your kitty. Family reunion time, you forgot but you have a prior engagement, it’s litter box maintenance day. Old time sweetheart wants to get together, you turn them down because your kitty looks depressed therefore you are depressed.

Remember, there is nothing wrong with you if some of these (or all) apply to you in some way or another. It is your life and you can live it any way you want. No one should stereotype you just because you happen to like cats and have a few of them. However, it is important to have a balance in what ever you do. Even spending too much time with human friends can lead to potential problems. Just remember that you need balance and variety in your life in order to live life to the fullest.


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